Racism is still a huge issue in football. |
Racism is still a big problem in football...that is the overwhelming conclusion from events of the last month.
At a time when the England captain John Terry is under investigation from both the FA and Police over alleged racist remarks made to QPR defender Anton Ferdinand, and Liverpool's Luis Suarez has also been charged by the FA for alleged racist comments towards Manchester United's Patrice Evra, the sport's very own 'head honcho', FIFA president Sepp Blatter has attempted to sweep the whole thorny issue under the carpet!
Blatter bleeted that "racist incidents on the pitch could be settled by a handshake." Oh Dear!
Former Premier League striker and now respected pundit, Mark Bright, says football has "been kidding itself" that racism is no longer a problem, highlighting how social networking sites now provide an outlet for racist comments.
"Twitter is proof racism has only been suppressed," he said.
"This year I said 'Norwich' would be relegated and was abused. Rather than say, 'No, I think you're wrong', there are people who said, 'You black-this and black-that', or, 'Why the hell are the BBC paying you to do your job?'.
Meanwhile, John Barnes, one of the first black players to score for England said: “Racism’s still a big problem in football. Racism can be invisible. How many black managers in England are there? Two. Black managers are given very short periods of time because people don’t believe they are up to the job. That’s racism. It’s not just a white thing. Look at the hierarchy of black African football who believe European coaches are better than black African. They treat black coaches with disdain. There’s this black dynamic of not feeling good enough."
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